Thursday, July 2, 2009

One Month with Charlie

Charlie is now 5 weeks old and already his personality is starting to show! I am having fun with him and always like to give him hugs and kisses. When he cries (which is a lot!) I tickle his toes and make funny faces to try to make him happy. Mom calls Charlie her little pterodactyl or birdy. Dad calls him a little bear. I've had fun with all the visitors, but am sad that they have left. Nana stayed with me for a long time and I told her she could never leave. I hope she comes back soon. I am so lucky because I got to spend time with TWO grandpas and Nana and Tutu! Then Aunt Laurie and my cousins came to see me!


Unknown said...

Hi Ben -

Thanks for putting some new pictures up. It looks like you are all having a great time with Charlie. Looks like he's a tree frog too! I'm so excited to come and see you.
I love you and miss you,
Aunt Gooch

Nana said...

Hi Ben, Really love all the new pictures. I miss playing cars and the bing,bang,bong marble game. SOOO excited to see you, Charlie, Mom and Daddy up north. Love, hugs and kisses. Nana