Monday, November 12, 2007

Back from California!

Hi everyone!

Me, mom, and dad just got back from California. It was so much fun to play with Grandpa, Tutu, and Aunt Gooch! we spent the first few days up in Lakeport. Grandpa and Tutu live on a giant pool. Mom kept calling it a lake. I loved to collect rocks and throw them in the water. I also got to go out on the water in a boat with daddy. We saw lots of birds on the water. One day we went to see the horses. I got to pet one on the nose. Unfortunately, I broke out in sores so I was kind of out-of-sorts for a while. It was a virus called hand-foot-and-mouth (not to be confused with hoof and mouth) and it really hurt to eat. Tutu and Grandpa got me some special yogurt. I love my Aunt Gooch so much that I even gave her the bug. You still love me right, Aunt Gooch?

Aunt Gooch has a baby kitty named Gus. I got to play with him and with all of his toys and with a giant hula hoop! While we were in San Francisco I got to ride a bus and a train (really a street car), and even a carousel. We got to see the sea lions and boats. We went to a place with lots of fish and I got to eat a blue yummy. A nice lady in the See's candy store even gave me more yummies.

I hope I can go back to California soon. I had fun on the airplane, even if it took us 20 hours to get home! Maybe next time Grandpa, Tutu, and Aunt Gooch can come see me and I can show them all of my cool toys and books! Check out the Photo Album of the Week for my pictures from our trip.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Ben, I sure am glad to see you since I live so far away. I want to thank you for posting all your adventures on your blog. It will help me keep up to date with you. I can't wait to share your photos with my friends!
Aunt Christy