Saturday, October 6, 2007

Visiting Life and Science Museum

This morning mom and dad took me to the Museum of Life and Science in Durham. This place is pretty cool. I get to climb, play with trucks, bang on drums, and jump in puddles. Today I got to ride the train. Inside the butterfly house, a pretty big moth flew right by my head and made me jump. While in the farm area, the donkey came out of the barn to say hello to me and the rooster said cockadoodle - doo.


Tom, Elisabeth, and Eli Galperin said...

Benny, you need to work on your vertical. Time for your dad to help you work on those calf muscles.

Regina Higgins said...

Olympic puddle splashing! And the gold medal goes to . . . Ben!!

Triangle Brewing Company said...

I don't know what Uncle 2x's is talking about! The judges scored him 10's across the board.